Wednesday, 9 April 2014

How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

To find out whether all three of my products were effective as a combination I carried out a focus group with another three members of my target audience. After showing each of them my music video and both of my ancillary texts, I asked them three questions.

Do you think that the three products are effective as a promotional package?

It was agreed that they worked together as a promotional package. This was due to the use of the colour scheme which is consistent throughout my ancillary texts, as well as the use of the stills from my video which show the link between the ancillary texts and the main products.

Do you think that they work well together? Can you see the links?

It was agreed that the links between each of the products were very strong, it was also stated that if for example, they looked at the magazine advertisement alone that they would be able to tell that it was part of my promotional package and that they work well together as a whole.

What would you improve in order to increase the cohesion of the three products?

One member of the focus group commented that they didn't think that anything needed to be improve to show the cohesion between the three products since they all compliment each other. One member of the focus group suggested that I could have added a title sequence at the beginning of my video to show the link more clearly, this could consist of the the name of the band and the song being shown as part of the introduction to the music video.

Furthermore, this focus group was part of my audience feedback. Overall, it was agreed that the three products were successful as a promotional packagae. This is due to the fact the links between each product were clearly shown which allowed them to be easily recognisable as part of a package. Apart from the improvement which was suggested as a response to the third question, the comments were all positive and showed that the package fulfilled its purpose.

My product as part of Kerrang magazine.

 My product placed in Spotify music player

My product in Itunes

The use of the mise-en-scene helps all three products work as a combination. For example, the use of the stills from the music video which show important points in the video, these stills also help connote the mood and atmosphere of the music video. The main image on the front cover of the Digipak is quite romantic as it shows the couple looking at each other and embracing each other. However, the ambiguity of what is going to happen in the music video is also shown as I have erased their facial expression. Stills are also taken from other points in the video, such as the boxing scene, the close up shot of the female character when she is showing her anger and the final close up of the flowers placed at her grave. The black,white and red colour scheme which is used consistently throughout all three products helps create cohesion between all three of the products. Especially since the grayscale scenes are a dominant feature of the music video since they are used to represent the couple's past memories. Therefore, by using a black, white and red colour scheme in the ancillary texts this establishes a strong link.

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